Some courage others don’t see

Some courage others don’t see. Search me, O God, and know my heart! … Try me and know my thoughts! … And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!  Palms 139: 23-24 When a mother enters The Bridge to Hope, she wants...

What does “freedom” mean to our Bridge moms?

What does “freedom” mean to our Bridge moms? For many of our Bridge moms, it’s hard to grasp what it means to live in freedom. So long, strongholds attempted to snuff out God’s provision by trapping them in the bondage of addiction, abuse, homelessness,...

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.

“Welcome students, families, and faculty…” These words are often heard this time of year.  Graduation is the completion of a program or time of learning.   It also indicates that the graduate is ready to move on, often to something more challenging.  It is...

The Love Languages of Volunteers

Last weekend was a great reminder of the power of Volunteerism.  The Bridge to Hope ministry is dedicated to assisting homeless single mother and their children.  Our goal is to help them find their way back to a full life based on faith and founded on the principle...

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us. Romans 8:38-39 (God’s Word Translation) We witness beauty and transformation each day at The Bridge to Hope.  We stand with you as you share your hope and love...
Overcoming homelessness takes hard work

Overcoming homelessness takes hard work

The moms in the Bridge to Hope work hard and have many responsibilities in their daily lives.  Overcoming homelessness takes hard work, courage, and tenacity. Sometimes it is good to provide activities that can bring relaxation and fun into the daily grind. The...
Back to School for All!

Back to School for All!

Education is a cornerstone of ending homelessness.  Horace Mann, a pioneer of American public schools in the 19th century, famously called education the “great equalizer of the conditions of men….” Bridge Kids are going to school!  They, fortunately, are being...


We think of June as the beginning of summer.  For our moms at The Bridge to Hope, it is the beginning of new possibilities and an exciting month for several of them.  Two of our Bridge Moms are beginning vocational training.  When they complete their course of study,...
What can one decision on one day start? 

What can one decision on one day start? 

What can one decision on one day start? When a person chooses recovery, this is a choice of life.  It is the beginning for a life to change from one of loss to abundance. April 21, 2021, one year ago, Rochelle chose life.  She chose sobriety.  During this past year...

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