What does “freedom” mean to our Bridge moms?
For many of our Bridge moms, it’s hard to grasp what it means to live in freedom. So long, strongholds attempted to snuff out God’s provision by trapping them in the bondage of addiction, abuse, homelessness, and broken families.
When they entered The Bridge to Hope, they began to discover with God their ability to break the chains of addiction, helplessness, desperation, and uncertainty in their lives.
They gained the freedom to get up in the morning in a safe place, challenge their minds through education and training, and secure a job that could support themselves and their children as a single parent.
Through the love of their church team, the Bridge staff, and others who brought love, compassion, and understanding into their lives, our moms began to trust little by little, each day, to walk in that freedom Christ supplies.
Because B2H believes that true freedom comes from God and our dependence upon Him, they began to learn, “If you abide in My word…you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”—John 8:31,32 and “If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36
Being free from the chains that bind one emotionally and physically is a great beginning; however, being free from sin that binds us spiritually is truly being free.
The mission statement of B2H is “to help homeless families achieve spiritual wholeness and emotional, physical, and financial well-being by overcoming self-defeating behaviors with Christ as our foundation.”
This is truly a blessed freedom indeed!
We join you in celebrating our nation’s freedom and the freedom our Bridge mothers receive through your commitment and support of The Bridge to Hope.