July 1st marks the date Rita claimed her independence from homelessness 20 years ago. She graduated from The Bridge (now The Bridge to Hope). Today when Rita visits us at the office she gives us a hug and her smile reminds us what God can do when a mother seeks His will. Her visits also encourage the new mothers just by being…well Rita!
My name is Rita I would like to share my Journey to The Bridge a place where I found hope.
I entered The Bridge in August 2002 and my family was sponsored by Trinity Bible Church.
Before I came to The Bridge – My life was out of control and chaotic. I was sleeping on a friend of a friend’s couch with my two children. I grew up in a disruptive household, with arguments, fighting, and a lot of yelling. My family knew me as a liar. When I was a teenager I was molested by a family member. I never told anyone. I was told that no one would believe me, my lying was used against me to keep me from sharing. I wanted to run away from the hurt and negativity. I ran into unhealthy relationships and turned to drugs as an escape which led me to put my own children in abusive situations. We became homeless, living off the mercy of others.
I became sober to enter The Bridge. When I originally called, I was smoking marijuana. I quit to be eligible for The Bridge. That was the first right step I made in a long time.
I was given an opportunity to receive vocational training and entered the workforce with a career. We graduated from The Bridge in July 2004. I say we because my children also were transformed by being at The Bridge. Support from The Bridge family and church team Trinity Bible allowed me to become the mother I always wanted to be. I stopped running away and became a parent. The Bridge provided the classes and tools and the church team opened their hearts and provided their time and love to our family. I was able to be open and honest with my children and we became a family unit. I no longer was a slave to deceit.
Thank you for your support of The Bridge to Hope, it is where I stopped running, and became the woman the Lord intended for me to become.
20 years ago there was a housing ministry accepting a mother who desired something different for her family. She didn’t know what it was, but she dared to hope. For those of you who have been supporters of the housing ministry of The Bridge to Hope for 20 years, thank you. Thank you for it was because of you there was a Bridge for Rita. For those who are stepping forward to support The Bridge, thank you, for joining the legacy of hope and a home. We welcome you.