The moms in the Bridge to Hope work hard and have many responsibilities in their daily lives.  Overcoming homelessness takes hard work, courage, and tenacity.

Sometimes it is good to provide activities that can bring relaxation and fun into the daily grind.

The monthly dinner in September was a fun evening of pizza and skating at the North Phoenix Baptist Church rink.  Most of our Bridge kids were given a chance to be on roller skates for the first time and experience a wonderful time skating the night away!  They didn’t want the evening to end.

This evening each year brings some of our graduates and their children back to have fun and to encourage the present moms.  They tell us they look forward to the evening each year.

Your support and encouragement for the moms make these fun activities possible.  You enable The Bridge to Hope to help moms learn to have a balance in their lives.  Life isn’t easy for single moms, but as they learn to trust in God to guide them, they learn to have a balance in their lives.  Hard work and self-discipline are important, but relaxation and fun are also important.

If you want to learn more about getting involved with The Bridge to Hope, contact us at 602-589-5556.



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