The children!
They are the big winners at last night’s The Bridge to Hope Christmas party!
Yet, their moms are the real winners because of you.
Thank you all who shared in our Christmas Party and The Journey to Hope, our annual fundraiser held in November.
You provide housing and guidance for single mothers as they work to overcome homelessness.
You ensure each mother receives a church to sponsor and support her in her transformation.
You make it all possible.
If you would like to become involved in ending homelessness One Family at a Time, consider supporting
The Bridge to Hope by directing your tax monies to B2H?
The Bridge to Hope is a Qualifying Charitable Organization list for the State of Arizona Tax Credit.
Have you heard how to take advantage of the AZ Charitable Tax Credit?
Give and Get Back 100% of your Donation!
You can help end homelessness One Family at a Time at NO cost to you through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit!
Here’s how it works:
Donate to The Bridge to Hope of any amount up to $800 (filing jointly) or $400 (filing single) and get 100% of your donation back in your Arizona Tax Return.
It’s easy and there’s no need to itemize your deductions to receive this credit!
Mail your contribution to:
1815 W. Missouri Avenue, #105
Phoenix, AZ 85015
(write AZ Tax Credit in the memo)
or give online by clicking here.
Thank you for supporting The Bridge to Hope ministry where children will grow up never remember being homeless.
A special Thank YOU shout out to 16th Street and Camelback Chick-fil-A for sponsoring our meal for our Christmas party! Wear your Bridge T-Shirt the next time you stop off to have lunch at Camelback Chick-fil-A and say thank you to Ann for her ongoing love and support! Snap a picture and tag on social media!