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Arise and Walk! describes our Bridge moms so well.

We see them arise from their hopelessness and despair to a life filled with promise and completeness in Christ. They often share they arise to heights far beyond what they ever imagined they could reach. Obtaining the education that they feared they would never achieve. Attending training to equip themselves for a good, sustainable job is beyond what they never saw as in reach. They walk, trusting their children are watching. They walk with confidence as they go forward in their lives.

Scripture describes our life in Christ as our walk. As we walk in Christ, our confidence grows.

Create a team and invite your network to support you as you support The Bridge to Hope at The Arise & Walk! community walk fundraiser. And Join us in our Arise and Walk celebration on January 20. We will celebrate The Bridge to Hope moms as they arise from difficult situations and walk toward their future full of hope and accomplishment.

All monies raised at Arise & Walk! will support our Capital Campaign.

Learn more about creating a team at www.b2hope.org/arise-walk or support a team by clicking the button below.

Thank you for taking steps to end homelessness.

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