“I considered abortion, but chose to keep my baby,” is what one of our Bridge moms shared. She chose life, but now what?
She has you. You are standing in the gap for young women who choose life for their baby even though it may make their life more difficult. Because you have shared the resources God has given you, The Bridge to Hope is able to accept young homeless women who are moms; together we are standing with her.
As a single mother they face many questions, “How do I find the place that will lovingly care for my baby?”, “Where do I go to get training for a job?”, “How will I be able to get to the interview in time?” “Who can I go to when I’m discouraged?” “Who will help me learn to manage my money after I get a job?” “Where can I find spiritual guidance for my life?”. Again she has you. You are proving young women the resources, encouragement and support from staff and volunteers to encourage them to keep on keeping on. You are providing guidance, encouragement and assistance in their lives through your sponsorship.
Your involvment and your prayers for The Bridge to Hope have given hope and strength and a future to each of the moms and their children in The Bridge to Hope.
On Mother’s Day and each day Bridge moms are able to enjoy their son or daughter in their own apartment, furnished and decorated by their church team, with plans for their future. This would not be possible without the help you have provided.
If you would like to become of a partner of The Bridge to Hope, through financial sponsorship or create a mentoring team from your church call us today. She choose life, you can ensure she is protected and supported.