Have you ever wondered where B2H gets our funding?
30% of our income to support The Bridge to Home comes from churches. The remaining comes from others in our community, those who support and believe in the ministry of The Bridge to Hope, a ministry of sharing Christ with young mothers who have lost their way, and seek to build a future full of hope.
Last year I had a conversation with one of our Bridge Moms. She was approaching her one year anniversary of being sober. It hit me at that time, on that date a year ago she was lost in her addiction. She told me I would not have recognized her. She was doing things she cannot believe she did. Her mother did not know if she was alive or dead. She had a daughter that did not have a mother. But she was saved; she was picked up by the police. That moment in time began the journey to restoration.
This year, she celebrates two years of sobriety—two years. She found The Bridge to Hope. And because of you, there is ministry called The Bridge to Hope.
Because each donor bridges the gap of what our churches do not cover for the ministry, we could offer safe and stable to mothers like Marlene and her daughter.
In one week, we will be hosting our annual fundraiser, The Journey to Hope. There are still seats remaining. We need help to fill the open chairs.
Just think of how God can use you to help a family in their journey from homelessness to wholeness by inviting others to join you in supporting The Bridge to Hope. Their first step could be by attending The Journey to Hope!
Reserve you seat today and partner with The Bridge to Hope to offer hope and a home to homeless single mothers. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-journey-to-hope-2016-tickets-27709730550