Barb, one of our Bridge Mentors, shared her experience of taking their Bridge family to church. Her ‘Bridge Kid’ participated in the children’s sermon lead by Pastor Ruby. The pastor asked the children if they remember what gift they received three years ago. Her Bridge Kid raised his hand and said “I received Jesus!” Pastor Ruby led the congregation in a round of applause.
At the end of the service when they all were reciting the Lord’s prayer, again her Bridge Kid did a great job following along and saying the prayer out loud, even a lady that was sitting in front of our Bridge Family and their mentoring church team member turned around to share he did a good job.
That evening when she was running errands, her Bridge kid called her. “Hi Barb, what are you doing? Do you miss me?” Yeah, he made her day!
Our Church team from La Casa de Cristo Lutheran Church has been providing transportation and has worshiped alongside their Bridge mother since she entered in December 2014. This Bridge Mom has been taking her son to church since receiving him back in her care in November 2015.
Thank you to all our congregations who open their doors and ensure our Bridge families attend church weekly. Your willingness to come alongside a homeless single mother and her children is humbling. You may feel you are just driving them to church, but you are also sharing the love and transformation that is only found in Christ.
If anyone reading this has a valid driver’s license, know that you can share Christ. Not only are you able to share the Hope of Christ and healthy communication with a family who is searching for Hope, but you may also receive an unexpected blessing. Create a mentoring team at your church, contact The Bridge to Hope today.