The Bridge to Hope NEEDS your help and prayers!
This week one of our apartments that FSBCS was preparing for a Bridge family, was broken into and many items were damaged or stolen.
Please blanket this entire situation in prayer and consider how you can help.
With God’s help and the help of His people we will rebuild!
We have created a list of items that were either stolen, or damaged. Please take a look at this list and see if you are able to meet a need. Click Here.
A family had not been selected, so we praise the Lord it did not impact our ability to move a mother in!
We are also in need of the carpets being cleaned.
If you are able to fill a need, call our office to schedule a time to drop it off, or better yet, bring your gift to the Open House on Saturday, March 17th!
We also ask you to lift in prayer those that caused the damage. Pray the Lord will turn their hearts and place people in their lives to lead them to Him.