Today when you ask people what Easter is all about, you are likely to get a whole range of answers. Some might answer that it is the celebration of Spring with its flowers and blooming trees. Others might suggest it is about rabbits that share sweet treats. Still others might respond by simply saying that it is a religious holiday of some kind.
At The Bridge to Hope where we seek to help homeless mothers get back on their feet, the mothers who come to us are prone to answer in the same way. To them Easter may have never really been on their radar. It was something that other people did. They were too involved with just trying to survive to give it any further thought. Finally, when they came to realize that they were not even surviving they turned to B2H for help. B2H in turn called on churches to step up and give each mother and family the life line they needed.
This Easter the moms and their children will be attending a church service with their team. They will be hearing the message of God’s love for them through Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose again. Part of that needed life line was introducing them to Jesus Christ. Sharing with them that Jesus so loved us that He gave up his life on the cross to redeem us from our sins and give us help to live a life that clearly shows His power to help in any and all situations. That is why there is The Bridge to Hope, to bring the news of Easter to those lost in homelessness and hopelessness.
We are grateful to you who support The Bridge to Hope, allowing those experiencing homelessness to have a Christian housing alternative, meeting them in their time of need and sharing the hope that is Easter. IF you would like to become a volunteer or supporter of The Bridge to Hope we welcome you to contact us today. If you would like to be a church to a homeless single mother, providing a lifeline, don’t hesitate, a family needs you.
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!