Any month of the year we often hear from one of the B2H graduates or a current mom that they have experienced and felt loved, sincerely and completely from one of their mentors at The Bridge to Hope. Sometimes, this feeling of love is deeper and stronger than they have ever experienced it before.
How is this possible? Why do they feel loved and accepted when they are part of B2H?
The staff and volunteers at B2H have accepted the love of Jesus Christ through His gift of Himself to us on the cross and His resurrection to new life that He has given to us. His command to us recorded by the Apostle John is, “Love one another…by this all men will know that you are my disciples”
In I John 4, we are told, “Let us love one another, for love comes from God.”
At The Bridge to Hope, all those who have the joy of coming alongside one of the moms He has sent us, want to share God’s love with them and help them experience God’s love in their own lives. God’s love is genuine, pure and accepting. These young moms often have not experienced this kind of love in their relationships.
We want to thank each of our volunteers for the love you share so freely and generously.
The Bridge to Hope is currently accepting new churches to HELP restore the lives of a single homeless mother and her children.
We invite your church to consider partnering with B2H to provide a home for a homeless family and share the transforming HOPE of Jesus.