For many of our Bridge moms, Happy Father’s Day, is not meaningful to them. Often, they did not experience a relationship of guidance and support or sometimes no relationship at all with a father. Our Bridge kids often also experience this cycle of hurt. Therefore, their children haven’t experienced having a father or grandfather in their lives.
It is such a great picture to see a man, who as a part of a married couple and a mentoring team member with B2H, having a meaningful relationship with the moms and their children. He is there to encourage and to be an example of a caring helper to those who may not have known much encouragement from a father in their lives.
Often there is something that needs to be fixed in the apartment. Many times, one of the men on the mentoring team can fix the problem just as he would do for a daughter who has a need; a simple act, but one that leaves an impact on her heart. He is a father figure ensuring she has a safe home.
Being taken to church on Sunday mornings with a couple and having a man to help manage the children or carry the heavy baby carrier is such a blessing to the mom and baby; a simple act, but one that leaves an impact on her heart. He is the father figure bearing some of the burden that they would have to carry alone.
Many times we see the children of our B2H moms, run past the women of the team and run straight into the arms of the men when they see them coming for them. The strong arms of a man, filling in for the absent father gives them the sense of security and safety they crave; again, a simple act, but one that leaves an impact on their heart. He is the father figure that will lift them high, and not let go.
Your prayers and support of The Bridge to Hope have made these simple acts of acceptance and encouragement happen for the moms of B2H. Please continue to remember each of our moms and their children in prayer this Father’s Day, as they may be experiencing a happy relationship with a B2H volunteer father figure that hasn’t been a part of their lives before. They appreciate it very much, and appreciate you for providing the opportunity. If you would like to learn about how your church can become involved with The Bridge to Hope, your simple act today is to call.