“Seeing is Believing”

This phrase is one we’ve all encountered, and at The Bridge to Hope, we’ve found it to be profoundly true.

While we can share the inspiring accounts of the courageous mothers at B2H with you, you won’t truly grasp their experiences until you meet them and hear their journey firsthand.

As you listen to their stories and discover how they arrived at The Bridge to Hope and what they are achieving now, you will see what true strength is when a woman places her path in the Lord’s hands.

We can explain that we have a dedicated office where women work on computers for their classes or apply for jobs once they’ve completed their education. We can mention our “store” filled with donated items they require, but it’s only when you visit these spaces that you’ll truly understand how to pray for the needs we present to you.

Your visit will allow you, your faith community, your business to be able to visualize needs when you pray for B2H by coming and seeing with your own eyes. Those who support our ministry with their finances and prayers can receive a deeper understanding after witnessing it for themselves.

We invite you to join us Friday, October 11, from 1-3 PM, or Saturday, October 12, from 10 AM to noon. We are opening our doors and inviting you into the Kingdom Work.


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