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A new beginning signifies a fresh start, a gift we all cherish. It opens doors to learning and anticipation of future accomplishments. Just like us, the Bridge moms at The Bridge to Hope embark on this journey with hope for a new beginning and much more.

Your gifts and prayers have made it possible for three new moms to begin a new phase in their lives at The Bridge to Hope.  They have embraced the transition from homelessness to a program focused on cultivating reliance on God and taking responsibility for themselves and their children.

It is the beginning of so many new things:

  • A home, for some the first time they have been in a place that was just their home.
  • A schedule, or for the first time, a schedule that they get to plan and keep.
  • Building a new community, surrounding themselves with others who believe in them, and uplifting friendships.
  • New commitments and new responsibilities where they can learn discipline.
  • Becoming comfortable in a new church and learning who they are in Christ surrounded by others doing the same.
  • Pursuing education to qualify for stable employment to support their families.

You provide each Bridge mom the opportunity to change their life and learn to trust God to lead and guide them and defeat homelessness in their lives

Please pray for each mother as they adjust to these new things and ways of living.

We continue to pray for you, those the Lord has encouraged to support The Bridge to Hope, that you will continue to be blessed as you give of the resources God has given you to support the program that makes these new things possible for each Bridge mom.

Please consider contributing to our Capital Campaign so that we may eventually have our own property.

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